
Why was the 17th amendment proposed to change the way senators were elected?

U.s. Constitution
The U.Southward. Constitution
Articles of the Constitution
I ‣ II ‣ III ‣ IV ‣ V ‣ Half dozen ‣ Vii
Amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
I ‣ II ‣ 3 ‣ Iv ‣ V ‣ Vi ‣ VII ‣ Viii ‣ 9 ‣ 10
Additional Amendments
11 ‣ XII ‣ XIII ‣ XIV ‣ XV ‣ Xvi ‣ XVII ‣ Xviii ‣ 19 ‣ XX ‣ XXI ‣ XXII ‣ XXIII ‣ XXIV ‣ XXV ‣ XXVI ‣ XXVII
View the Full Text
Original Constitution
Bill of Rights
Boosted Amendments

At that place are currently 27 ratified amendments (of which the first ten are known every bit the Bill of Rights) to the Constitution since its enactment. The fifth commodity of the U.S. Constitution details the process for amending information technology. For an amendment to get official, it must laissez passer a majority of two-thirds from both the House and the Senate of the United States Congress. Alternatively, an amendment could be proposed through the state legislatures with a bulk of two-thirds (a procedure chosen constitutional convention). It is so officially a component of the Constitution when three-fourths of States ratify information technology.

1st Subpoena: Guarantees the right to the freedoms of voice communication, printing, and organized religion. Protects the right to petition the authorities.

second Amendment: Guarantees the people's right to own and acquit arms for their defense.

3rd Subpoena: Citizens cannot be forced to quarter soldiers during times of peace.

4th Amendment: Citizens cannot be forced to subject field themselves to seizure and search without a search warrant and probable cause.

5th Amendment: Prohibits corruption of governmental authority in legal procedures. Establishes rules for indictment by eminent domain and grand jury. Guarantees the due procedure rights. Protects citizens from self-incrimination and double jeopardy.

6th Amendment: Guarantees fair and speedy jury trial and the rights to know the accusation, the accuser, and to find counsel and witnesses.

7th Amendment: Reserves individuals' rights to jury trial depending on the ceremonious case, and cases already examined by not be re-opened by another court.

8th Amendment: Forbids exorbitant bails and fines and punishment that is unusual or brutal.

9th Subpoena: Reserves the rights of citizens which are not specifically mentioned by the U.S. Constitution.

tenth Amendment: Reserves powers that are not given to the U.S. government under the Constitution, nor prohibited to a State of the U.Due south., to the people and the States.

11th Subpoena: State sovereign amnesty. States are protected from suits past citizens living in some other state or foreigners that do non reside within the state borders. Ratified: February. seven, 1795

12th Amendment: Modifies and clarifies the process for electing vice-presidents and presidents.

13th Subpoena: Except as penalization for criminal offense, forbids forced-slavery and involuntary servitude.

14th Amendment: Details Equal Protection Clause, Due Process Clause, Citizenship Clause, and clauses dealing with the Confederacy and its officials.

15th Amendment: Reserves citizens the suffrage rights regardless of their race, colour, or previous slave status.

16th Amendment: Reserves the U.S. government the correct to tax income.

17th Amendment: Establishes popular voting as the procedure under which senators are elected.

18th Subpoena: Denies the sale and consumption of booze.

19th Amendment: Reserves women'southward suffrage rights.

20th Subpoena: also known every bit the "lame duck amendment," establishes date of term starts for Congress (January 3) & the President (January xx).

21st Amendment: Details the repeal of the Eighteenth Subpoena. State laws over alcohol are to remain.

22nd Amendment: Limit the terms that an individual can be elected equally president (at most two terms). Individuals who take served over two years of someone else's term may not exist elected more than once.

23rd Amendment: Reserves the correct of citizens residing in the District of Columbia to vote for their ain Electors for presidential elections.

24th Amendment: citizens cannot be denied the suffrage rights for not paying a poll tax or whatever other taxes.

25th Amendment: establishes the procedures for a successor of a President.

26th Amendment: Reserves the right for citizens 18 and older to vote.

27th Amendment: Denies any laws that vary the salaries of Congress members until the commencement of the next terms of office for Representatives.


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